Thursday, September 27, 2012

Reflection on Parent Handbook link

This handbook is a surprisingly accessable tool to help parents understand the process of identifying and addressing special needs of children in schools. It is written in straightforward language, and offers suggestions to help parents advocate for their kids during a time when they might be feeling overwhelmed, scared, and/or confused. It is helpful for teachers as well, offering a guide for what expectations are legitimate to have of families, and setting a tone of mutual respect and cooperation.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Reflection on why I chose idea ed. gov link

     This website has many sections that are relevent to the study of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. They call it a living site, meaning that things are added to it still, so information is updated. Also, there are sections on how the act fits in with No Child Left Behind, and high quality teachers. There are many areas to explore.